Tuesday, October 30, 2018

pie chart


(How often do you bye or read a film magazines?)As you can see, most people do bye and read film magazines. This shows that companies or making a good mount money and also the movies they target or get popular.(What types of genres do you like?)50 percent of people I asked liked the genre action so I'm going to do an action movie magazine and 45 percent of people liked horror so I'm going to include some horror movie information.(Do you like magazines?) Most people liked film magazines, as you can see, so I'll be targeting to the new generation because I asked them to do the questionnaires.(what type of co-lour do you thick a magazines should have?)The co-lour blue was liked the most so I will be making a blue cover so it will make them read more even inside and it catches customers' eyes to buy them and they will happy to spend a good mount of money.(What film magazines do you like from here?)Most people liked Empire so  will be using as my example and also i will be using the same format do my film magazine. (Cost of magazines shod be what?)More than 50% of people liked the cost of £2.50 so I will sale my magazine for a little bit more for £3.25 and people can buy my magazine from Whsmith or local shop.        

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