Thursday, September 27, 2018

Commercial Radio

Commercial radio ( also referred to as radio spots or advertising jingles) is a radio station which gains profit through advertisement. Companies use this strategy as they consider that commercials are a good medium to send their message across to customers. The main goal is to  focus on a particular age group and this can be exemplified by companies broadcasting the type of music the current generation of youths listen to. We can link this to the past where in 1477 William Caxton printed out which could be described as Britain's first advert , for a book called The Pyes of Salisbury. This simultaneously emerged alongside  trading through a simple a strategy of displaying his new book. You can find commercial radio in application which can be downloaded to your smartphone  or can be listened through the use of FM radios ; leading to the most popular BBC radio.  The quote by Peggy Noonan states that; "TV gives everyone an image , but radio gives birth to a million images in a million brains".

In conclusion , commercial radios is prominent as it spreads the news in a constituency  and it used in an everyday situation such as in a car where you get informed about everything happening in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Very good effort and good use of citing your work , I can see you have tried to utilise this here. You are on the right track with most of the purposes. All purposes relate to raising revenue however, make sure you do your research with components I.e advertising and how it actually makes the stations money. Main purposes: advertising, seasonal awareness, events, sponsorships, selling newscasts, syndication. Have a look at week 4 on the blog for extensive coverage.
